Pro-Home, Inc. provides one-on-one and group counseling in person or by phone. Counseling services include pre-purchase, first time homebuyer, foreclosure/short sale, tenant/landlord, financial literacy and fair housing.
First Time Homebuyer Seminar (2 night workshop)
Pro-Home, Inc. produces short videos, that discuss single topic issues. New episodes are released monthly. If you have specific questions or issues that are not covered, please contact our office for more assistance.
Pro-Home, Inc. offers various classes and workshops that include pre-purchase, first time homebuyer, financial literacy and fair housing. We also hold fundraising and organizational events from time-to-time.
Pro-Home, Inc. makes various community resource information available, both online and in our office, for residents of Southeastern Massachusetts that are in need of services not available through our organization.
Long-Term Care
Home Counseling Services
Financial Literacy Programs
For The Residents of Southeastern Massachusetts
Special Thanks To Our Community Sponsorships!
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